Thursday, September 24, 2020

Kawa of care

In Te Maunga we have been doing Kawa of care. What I learnt from Kawa of care was that were are not allowed to leave your chromebook on the floor or on the edge of the table

Friday, September 4, 2020

Water cycle

In Te Maunga I’ve learnt about the water cycle, we also learnt how to draw lightly and we learned different ways to colour in.


In Te Maunga we did a treasure hunt. We had to find the small gumboot that had a number on it. We could win a golden headphones, five dollars, chicken and chips, lollies, ball and a Eskimo pie. We were raising money for Sam Godsiff-Johnson, it was for a charity called I Am Hope and they raised money for people that are feeling sad. The school raised $400

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Pepeha and greeting

In Te Maunga we have been doing our pepeha and greeting. Tena koe means hello to you. Ko Joe toku papa means that Joe is my dad. 1/7/20 In Te Maunga we have been doing our pepeha and greeting. Tena koe means hello to you. Ko Joe toku papa means that Joe is my dad.


In Te Maunga we have Dino Rama. The dinosaur died out because an asteroid came beside the dinosaur. A T-rex creature is on the ground. 30 July In Te Maunga we have Dino Rama. The dinosaur died out because an asteroid came beside the dinosaur. A T-rex creature is on the ground.


In Te Maunga we have been doing a SoundScape. We have learnt about the piano. The thing that I learnt was that you had to press down a key so it makes a sound. My group makes rice to make it sound like rain. 6/2020 In Te Maunga we have been doing a SoundScape. We have learnt about the piano. The thing that I learnt was that you had to press down a key so it makes a sound. My group makes rice to make it sound like rain.